Beginings ...
The objective is to create the web's best and easiest to use online dictionary engine.
The dictionary can be found at As time goes by, additional dictionary content will be added.
The challenges:
(a) Mastering the the various little wrinkles necessary to get a multi-language, multi-character set dictionary engine to do all that we want it to do. The chosen technology platform is: MySQL, PHP, Javascript and Ajax (more of this later) with full Unicode support for presentation, searching etc.
(b) Mastering the search engine maze to ensure high placement. It's definitely no longer a case of simply "if you build it, they will come". It might have worked for Kevin Costner but let's face it, we are not building a baseball park in Idaho whatever you might have thought.
And why Atamyrat ... well that's another story.
So let's get blogging ...
The dictionary can be found at As time goes by, additional dictionary content will be added.
The challenges:
(a) Mastering the the various little wrinkles necessary to get a multi-language, multi-character set dictionary engine to do all that we want it to do. The chosen technology platform is: MySQL, PHP, Javascript and Ajax (more of this later) with full Unicode support for presentation, searching etc.
(b) Mastering the search engine maze to ensure high placement. It's definitely no longer a case of simply "if you build it, they will come". It might have worked for Kevin Costner but let's face it, we are not building a baseball park in Idaho whatever you might have thought.
And why Atamyrat ... well that's another story.
So let's get blogging ...
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