Wordnet and a dictionary search add-on for web pages
The wirdz dictionary site now includes the contents of WordNet 2.1 from 2005 Princeton University. In addition to standard dictionary contents, WordNet also includes extensive cross links between words/word groups.
On wirdz, the AJAX dictionary interface has been enhanced to allow backward and forward navigation of the links.
wirdz now also offers a dictionary search drop in for web sites similar to the ones from search engines. It looks like/works like this:
Adding a link to a site simply involves adding the following html code:
On wirdz, the AJAX dictionary interface has been enhanced to allow backward and forward navigation of the links.
wirdz now also offers a dictionary search drop in for web sites similar to the ones from search engines. It looks like/works like this:
Adding a link to a site simply involves adding the following html code:
<script src="http://www.wirdz.com/searchLink.php" type="text/javascript"> </script>One good thing about itanda pages gerenated through the link is that because the keyword is passed as a query string (GET) parameter, this appears to be spotted by adsense and results in the advert links taking it into account. More varied/interesting links result since the wirdz dictionary pages, excluding the AJAX generated material, are by intention uncluttered and consequently are lacking in content which adsense can work on - the result is a fixation on dictionary or language related links - if google applied adsense to the main google page, much the same outcome would result.
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